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Should I take probiotic supplements?

Probiotic supplements are pills, powders, or liquids that contain live beneficial bacteria or yeast. They’re very popular and easy to find. But not all are worth your money. The right strains of probiotics can be incredibly beneficial for some people. However, the type of strain, product

What is burnout, and how bad is it?

Burnout is the result of chronic stress, usually (though not exclusively) workplace stress. “If the employee feels overwhelmed, under-appreciated. And powerless to make effective changes in their job duties, demands, or workplace culture body, then burnout is likely to occur,” says Dr. Josh Briley, a

Magnesium and migraines.

Significant research has shown that people with migraines often have lower levels of magnesium than those without them health. A 2021 study found magnesium oxide to be as effective as valproate sodium at preventing migraine attacks without adverse side effects. Some older research has also shown that. Taking daily

Benefits of yoga. 

The scientific research into yoga benefits is still somewhat preliminary, but much of the evidence so far supports what practitioners seem to have known for millennia: Yoga can be beneficial to our overall well-being. 1. Improves flexibility and balance A key part of yoga involves